The girls and boys of the Foundation are the core around which the ideas, the energies of good and the actions leading to the realization of our projects revolve. The core from which the Galen Temelkov Foundation started to follow the path of AD ASTRA PER ASPERA.
In the series of business cards, we want to introduce you to these girls and boys with their names and faces, with their personal and public projections, with their individual paths, with their own words.

Ivailo Ivanov Nedyalkov, CEO.
They call me Ivailo, Ivaka or Ivo. I’m 20 years old. Immature sophomore at MU-Varna. Enthusiastic dancer, eternal optimist. Motto in life: “Carpe diem!” – “Live for the moment!” If you’ve ever read the books / watched The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Eragon – Galen and I are Frodo and Sam, Harry and Ron, Eragon and Roran – not exactly brothers, but the closest to that term ‘’brothers’’. Responsibility, the Executive Director of the Foundation (or as between us the “Cooperative”), is something quite big and impossible for a 20-year-old boy, but together we will be able to show that “there is light in the darkest places and there is someone to turn on the lamp “. As the Little Prince said, “Adults never understand anything on their own, and it’s tiring for children to keep explaining and explaining.” That is why we will show you in action how the Way is created and we will walk it together with my brother in spirit – Galen.

Katerina Velikova, member of the Administrative Board.
My name is Katerina Velikova, a member of the Administrative Board of the Galen Temelkov Foundation. I study at the Medical College in Varna. Galen and I have been friends since we were children and he will always be a part of me and has a special place in my heart. I joined the foundation because through it I want to preserve the memory of my dear friend and to pass on all my positive energy for the creation and development of a fairer world for those in need, for all of us.

Milen Cholakov, member of the Administrative Board.
My name is Milen Cholakov, I am 20 years old from the city of Shumen. I study medicine at the MU-Varna, while at the same time I am professionally involved in basketball and fitness. Motto in life: “Mens sana in corpore sano” – “Healthy spirit in a healthy body”. I believe that one should strive for a balance between physical and mental development. Galen and I were in daily struggles with both the good and the bad in life until his last day. But his work and participation do not end with his earthly path, namely they are reborn and grow in the foundation of the same name, which we created with the help of incredible young people! Always with us!

Momchil Tonev – member of the Administrative board.
My name is Momchil Tonev – 24 years old! I am on my way of graduating Medical University Varna – ‘’Professor Doctor Paraskev Stoyanov’’ and taking the Hippocratic Oath. However today, I swear in front of YOU, that with my hands and with my mind I will not only heal, but I will also embrace. That is how I embrace one sky-eyed boy – Galen Temelkov, whose name bears this foundation. I will walk with it shoulder to shoulder with the idea of one better world! We will follow the light and not lose our faith in the miracle we will shelter philanthropy and comfort with love! This is my reason for being here!

Petar Tonchev, member of the Administrative Board.
My name is Petar Tonchev, 21 years old, member of the Administrative Board. I became part of the Foundation because Galen is a very close friend of mine, I have always accepted him as a brother, and I want his name to live forever, as well as his deeds shown through us. I will do my best and I will give everything I have for every project of the Foundation and for everyone who needs us. I believe and I will fight for good deeds to remain and become more and more.

Desislava Petrova, representative of MU and colleges.
My name is Desislava Manolova Petrova, 19 years old, medical student at MU-Varna. Behind my choice to be part of the Galen Temelkov Foundation is a personal motive – an incredible young man, purposeful and struggling to achieve his dreams. My friend. The path of such a person cannot stop, that is why, as a member of the foundation, I am one of the people who will continue the path of Galen. At the core of the foundation are precisely such passionate and goal-oriented people, united by common ideals, dedicated and ready to help. As a person, even more a future doctor, it is my duty and responsibility to help others. For those reasons, I am part of the Galen Temelkov Foundation and I will work with great diligence and desire to realize each project of the foundation.

Galya Gavrailova, representative of Western Bulgaria.
My name is Galya Gavrailova, student at the National Academy of Arts. I am part of the Foundation, because Galen is an eternal part of me. For me to continue his mission and to store the kindness of his heart and soul, which give example how real and worthy one person can be. We live in times when the world is in a state of mental despair. And if the Foundation cannot be the compass, then at least it can draw a landmark for its discovery … For the triumph of the ideals burning in the blue flame in the eyes of an eternal boy.

Iva Rizhova, representative of Eastern Bulgaria.
My name is Iva Rizhova and I study medicine at the Medical University – Varna. In fact, my first love was dancing and I will continue to dance both professionally and for myself as long as I can. The ballerina-doctor combination may be atypical, but at university I met people who made me feel like I belonged in this place. I met GALEN! I have always believed that the main driving force is Love. The foundation is what gave me the motivation to get out of my sadness and redirect it to Love. And since waiting for something to happen is unnecessary, we will make things happen. Together, we will show what a group of young people can do. Because we believe in what we do!

Hristina Lecheva, representative for Central Bulgaria.
My name is Hristina Lecheva, 20 years old from the town of Shumen. I study law at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, and in my free time I sing. I am a member of the Galen Temelkov Foundation because I want Galen’s mission to be continued, mainly to help people in need. I want people the who did not have the honor and pleasure to touch this amazing MAN to do it through us. As one, for one, instead of one…

Bozhidar Yovev, art representative.
My name is Bozhidar Yovev and I am a student at Falmouth University, United Kingdom. I study music, main instrument – guitar. Throughout the years of my friendship with Galen, he was always next to me, even in my darkest hours. I decided to be a part of the Foundation, because now I have the opportunity to repay the kindness that he showed towards me. Always with me!

Mariya Andreeva, art representative.
My name is Mariya Andreeva. I study at the school of arts “Sava Dobroplodni’. I draw, I go to the ‘’BIS’’ Children’s and Youth Theater, and in fact art is my essence. The foundation connects me again with Galen, because he will always be with us. But it also connects me to everyone in it who gives their heart and soul to this incredible opportunity to help people and initiate change for the better. I stand behind you, my family, and I support you with my unconditional love and faith. We are and will be together!

Polina Mladenova, art representative.
Polina Mladenova, 18 years old. I study at PPMG ‘’Nancho Popovich’’, Shumen. Mainly I am interested in music or more precisely pop and jazz singing, as well as playing the piano. I am also in the fashion industry as a model. I am in the foundation because Galen is my Friend and I want to help him make his dreams and goals a reality through us. Therefore, I want to participate in the implementation of all projects to support people who, like Galen, are born to study medicine and be doctors. We are now a small group, friends of Galen, but we will become more and more, I believe in that!

Miroslav Minchev, sport and rehabilitation representative.
My name is Miroslav Minchev, a student at the Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad. I am in the foundation, with the heart and spirit, because of my close and faithful friend Galen. I am here to do for him what he would do for me. Friendship is above all!

Teodor Hristov, sport and rehabilitation representative.
My name is Teodor Hristov, 20 years old, student at Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Higher Naval School. I am part of the foundation to support the dream of my brother Galen, with whom I spent too little time in my life. But I believe that in this way we will keep the memory of him alive, and this is a victory over death. Therefore, I will help the foundation with everything I can for its development, as well as for each of its members or those who need us.

Kristiyan Marinov, projects and finance representative.
My name is Kristiyan Nikolaev Marinov, 21 years old, student at the Technical University – Varna. In the beginning, I became part of the foundation because I am a close friend of Galen. Afterwards, I stay in it not only because of that. I remain and because of the cause to help unreservedly, I want to be useful with everything I can, whatever it is. I wish that in time, when this small group of people with big dreams grows and is talked about around the world, I can proudly say “I am a part of this!”.